Dates & Opening Hours
11 - 12 July 2022 (Wed - Thu): 10.30am - 6.30pm
13 July (Fri): 10.30am - 5.30pm
Jakarta International Expo
IThe will take a place at Jakarta International Expo, a perfect place for exhibition in a venue built to international standard. Only 30 minutes away from Jakarta’s CBD, half an hour away from Soekarno – Hatta International Airport, 20 minutes away from Gambir train station, 5 minutes away from five stars hotels and leading restaurants, and 2 minutes from Kemayoran highway.
For more information, please visit

For Trade Visitors, register for your free Admission Badge via our online Visitor Registration Form (open in approx. May 2016)
Email confirmation containing your Visitor pre-registration code will be sent after successful online pre-registration.
Pre-registered visitors may obtain a complimentary Show Directory upon exchange for your Admission Badge at the Registration Counter.
If you have missed the pre-registration, bring along your business card for a prompt registration on-site.
Do not have an account yet? Register here

Open to Trade Visitors, Corporate and Industrial Buyers. General public and minors below the age of 16, whether accompanied or not, will not be permitted entry.
Admission is free with registration
A separate line for pre-registrants ensures minimum wait time before entering the exhibition hall.
On-site registration is open each day during the show. All visitors must wear an event badge to enter the exhibition hall.
Visitor terms and conditions apply.
Proper office / business attire (no shorts and slippers) is requested.